Gvs Deutschlandseite


We are very happy that you are interested in our volunteer program in Germany.

We have lots of great partners and volunteer oppurtunities and are looking forward to meeting you. On this page you will find all important information for a voluntary service in Germany.
GVS offers you the participation in a Voluntary Social Year (FSJ) or a Federal Volunteer Service (BFD).

Your opportunities
to serve



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What we do

1. Support

From your acceptance to the final seminar at the end of your time at the placement, we will support you. We organize your voluntary year and are available to you, in addition to your supervisors and mentors on site, for any concerns during the entire time in Germany. You will be visited by your GVS educational support at your placement once. At the end of your time, we will provide you with a certificate as recognition of your commitment.

2. Seminars

We organize seminars for you which help you prepare and reflect on your voluntary service. Our seminars are mandatory and spread out over your volunteer service. Usually they are

  • Preparation seminar
  • Intermediate seminars
  • Final seminar

Here you will also get to know the responsible GVS pedagogue and the other volunteers in your seminar group.

3. Insurance

This is comprehensive and includes:

  • Accident insurance
  • Professional and personal liability insurance

4. Financial

The program is supported by the german government as they pay subsidies for voluntary services. Costs which are part of your voluntary service are manged by the placement and GVS. In addition, you will receive pocket money and accommodation will be provided by your placement.

Your costs for travelling to Germany are not covered.  

Freiwilliges Jahr In Deutschland

Who can join us?


can join us?

Young adults between the age of 17 and 27 who have completed their compulsory education and have not yet completed a FSJ, FÖJ or BFD.

How long does a voluntary service last?


long does a voluntary service last?

Most of or placements are looking for a volunteer for one year. In general the program can last between 6 to 18 months. The duration will determine on the needs of the placements.
The start is possible from September to October. Exceptions are possible.

How can I start?


can I start?

Send your application directly to the placement. You’ll find all the locations, information and contact details on the application page. We will be happy to help you step by step.


FSJ stands for Voluntary Social Year. You should be between 15 and 26 years old for this. An FSJ counts as a practical educational and orientation program and is often considered a bonus when applying for a job. At the end of your assignment, you will receive a certificate.


The Federal Volunteer Service is an opportunity to do voluntary work regardless of age. However, the full-time compulsory education must be fulfilled. A BFD can also be done several times – in each case at intervals of 5 years.